Health Services


Colombia´s healthcare system ranks #1 in Latin America according to the World Healthcare Organization (WHO).

Health sector coverage stands at 99.6% of the Colombian population, that is, more than 49 million affiliates, and it is expected to continue to increase in the coming years due to the Government’s commitment.

Colombia has the #1 health system in Latin America and #22 globally, according to the World Health Organization. This rating is based on service delivery, improvement of health conditions and patient financial protection. Colombia stands out especially in this last item, with an out-of-pocket expenditure equivalent to 15% of the total disbursements of the health system, while the average for Latin America is 34% and for Europe 22%.

Additionally, within the General Budget of the Nation for 2023, the health sector has the second largest national budget item with 12.4% of the total, which is equivalent to USD 10,566 million.


Bogota, pharmaceutical capital

The Bogota Region concentrates about 16% of the total number of affiliates and health care institutions, representing the largest installed capacity in the country with more than 12,000 beds.

More than 50% of the country’s health services are provided in the capital of Colombia and there is even a growing market for health tourism from the Caribbean, the South American region and the United States, due to the fact that, on average, the costs of health procedures are 60% lower in Colombia compared to the United States.

Source: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade, World Bank, Bogota Healthcare Cluster.

If you need more detailed information, find in the lower part the information of our investment officers in charge of this sector.

Updated (mm/dd/yyyy): 26/12/2022

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Francisco Solano Olarte

Senior Investment Officer

Picture of María Camila Gaona

María Camila Gaona

Investment Officer

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