Strengthened and renewed, this is how the Bogota Convention Bureau reappears 

Date: 1 December, 2022
  • The Bogota Convention Bureau is a new business unit of Invest in Bogota, which seeks to attract and capture world-class events, complementing and contributing to the promotion and visibility of the Bogota Region as the preferred hub in Latin America for doing business. 
  • During 2022, the Bogotá Convention Bureau, in synergy with allies and interested parties, has captured 21 events or groups of congresses, conferences and incentive trips -MICE- with an estimated economic impact of more than 5 million dollars. 

Bogota, December 1, 2022 – The Bogota Convention Bureau celebrated one year of operation at Invest in Bogota, during an event that brought together more than 160 actors from the ecosystem associated with meetings and events in the city. Its rebirth is due to the public-private will between the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and the Bogotá Mayor’s Office, to incorporate event attraction management in a corporation with more than 16 years of experience, supported by a team of technical professionals and specialized for this purpose. 
The attraction of events, which leads to meeting tourists, is essential to support the sustainable and intelligent tourism strategy of the Bogotá Region and its internationalization. And in this sense, the integration of the Bogotá Convention Bureau to Invest in Bogota is something that complements and enhances the exercise of promoting meetings and events, foreign investment, entrepreneurship and business in our city. 
In synergy with different actors, so far this year the Bureau has captured 21 events or groups of congresses, conferences and incentive trips -MICE-, generating an economic and social impact for the capital. It is estimated a participation in these events of more than 9,100 attendees and a hotel occupancy of more than 21,200 nights, which translates into an estimated economic benefit of USD 5.3 million. As a product of commercial management and a contribution to the positioning and visibility of the Bogotá Region, the Bureau has worked on 223 business opportunities and is expected to end the year with 19 inspection visits attended by clients based mainly in the United States, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. and Colombia. 

“Receiving the Bureau means for us an enormous opportunity to promote corporate tourism in the city, by attracting events that allow us to reinforce the joint and strategic work of the entities and the ecosystem associated with meetings and events.” Says Isabella Muñoz, executive director of Invest in Bogota. “We are sure that incorporating the Bureau into our business model creates a virtuous circle between the capacities to attract foreign direct investment that have been developed by Invest in Bogota, efficiently and effectively, to capture and transfer them towards the attraction of events.” 
The renewed and strengthened Bureau has an articulating role between the public and the private. On the one hand, it serves international event organizers who decide venues and, on the other, local actors to strengthen the production chain, reinforcing Bogotá’s position on the international map of corporate tourism and serving as a platform for business expansion. 
Paola Piza, Manager of the Greater Bogota Convention Bureau adds that “at the Bogotá Convention Bureau, we are sure that this powerful merger will result in attracting more events for the city, greater territorial development in economic, social, and knowledge terms. and international positioning.” 

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