Operating Environment in Bogota
Quality Operating Environment
Bogota has a high quality, worry-free operating environment, there is a plentiful supply of quality, cost competitive office, warehousing and manufacturing space, The city has redundant telecom connectivity and excellent utilities, The city is a major land and air cargo transportation center and a natural logistics hub for Colombia, Finally, Bogota has all the corporate services needed by investors.
Plentiful, High Quality Space
Bogota currently has 3,058,479 square meters of office space, including high quality offices, with an availability rate of 11.1%. Bogota also has 4,354,536 square meters of industrial space and more than 400 thousand square meters of storage in industrial parks and free zones.
According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook, Colombia is one of the top ten countries in the world with the highest levels of investment in telecommunications, as a percentage of GDP, and the top country in Latin America, As a result of market liberalization and significant private sector investment, Bogota boasts a redundant, high quality telecommunications infrastructure, Currently, more than half a dozen private providers offer complete corporate telecommunication solutions.
Bogota is connected by redundant overland connections to five international underwater cables.Utilities
Electric utility coverage is nearly 100% in Bogota, Enel-CODENSA Bogota’s electric company is part of the ENEL Group of Italy, and is recognized for high quality and cost-competitive service, Additionally, this company is committed with the modernization of the networks in the country: from sustainable solutions like solar energy for enterprises, the use of LED technology for the city’s streetlights, to the promotion of mobility with electric bikes and vehicles, Natural gas is provided by another privately-owned utility, Vanti-Gas Natural, Water and sewerage are managed by the city-owned Acueducto de Bogota which has coverage of 99% in water and 98% in sewerage.
Bogota is a natural hub for land-based freight in Colombia, Many companies have located logistics and distribution facilities in Bogota to serve Colombia, The government is currently developing four-lane highways from Bogota to Atlantic and Pacific sea ports. In 2020, Bogota was awarded the prize for the best Urban Transportation Project in the Americas and the Grand Jury Prize for the best Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project in all categories, presented at the P3 Awards granted by P3 Bulletin, a publication specialized in infrastructure issues.Wide Range of Corporate Services
Bogota offers a wide range of corporate service providers, from international legal, accounting, tax and consulting services, to sophisticated financial intermediaries and specialized suppliers. Please contact us for a copy of our directory of service providers. Updated: (mm/dd/yyyy): 30.04.2023Contact an advisor
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Mauricio Romero
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