Workforce in Bogota

Fuerza Laboral-01

Skilled and scalable workforce

A young, skilled, 6 million-strong workforce in Bogota Region ensures the scalability of any operation. The city’s 122 institutions of higher education enrolled over 780.000 students in 2021 and graduated over 157.000 bachelor’s, technologists (3-year career), and technicians (2-year career). In addition, Colombia has one of the most flexible, young, and dynamic labor regimes in Latin America.
Source: National Ministry of Education, SNIES. 

Among university students, Business Management, Social Sciences and Engineering are some of the most popular fields of study.

Source: National Ministry of Education, Process: Invest in Bogota.

Outstanding human talent

Bogota was highlighted in the Human Capital and Lifestyle category within the special Global Cities of the Future 2021/2022 Ranking by the Financial Times, a classification made for large cities with a population of between 5 and 10 million inhabitants. The capital ranked seventh in this category, which takes into account aspects related to human talent and quality of life.

Updated (mm/dd/yyyy): 04.30.2023

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Picture of Mauricio Romero

Mauricio Romero

Strategic Support Manager |

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